
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'll Say What I Want To Say

So did anyone see me post anything derogatory, vulgar, profane, or otherwise on the message boards recently? At either of the two sites? How about ever? The correct answer of course is NO! Actually NEVER! Was I controversial? YES! Quite often actually, but always within the boundaries of decency. I have never been warned about anything other than going against the establishment; I’ve read the rules on membership and posting and otherwise, but I have yet to find any offense for which I might be banned.

The real problem is the site administrator of Flakidzia is a fascist. There is no room in his world for differing points of view, and freedom of expression. He says there is, but he does not act accordingly. Was it my imagination or did he issue me an invitation to return recently?

I quote “Spiderman, whoever he is, is welcome to come back and post on this site.”

Really because today I logged into the site and once he realized I was there he proceeded to have the internet gods ban me.

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom so long as those in power agree with you.

It does not mean that those in power are exempt from criticism and even ridicule deservedly or not.

It does not mean they get special privileges to suppress oratory.

It does not mean they get to pick and choose who can say what they want about them and who can’t.

They get away with it because they own the site, and while it is there privilege to do so, that does not make it right.

But of course they like everyone with absolute power they are absolutely corrupted. If someone says something that is without merit, it quickly fades away, and it is typically a non issue; Emperor Lawtonious’s problem is too many people agreed with me for his taste, and that he could not tolerate. Did I call him a Nazi? Yes! I did in accordance with his policies and his censoring of content, and I do not regret it. I don’t however remember anyone coming to his defense, and telling me I was wrong? Calling him a Nazi was not an attack on his race, it was an attack on his character; that he fails to recognize the difference is precisely the point.

The Moron on the other site decided he new what was the best content for that site and said the following about my stories of Flakidzia, again I quote “This is like three year old stuff”; really? When was the last time any of you let a three year old get to you, because I am pretty certain there is no three year old on this earth that can make me lose my composure. No it was just easier for him to act cowardly and appease the Sheriff and his complaints rather than take a stand for what is right.

If I was the site administrator on Flakidzia Originus and the sheriff contacted me because someone was saying boo boo things about him, I would tell him to shove it. I would tell him if you don’t like our content don’t read it, and I would tell him to worry about his own site and not mine. I know that is a lot to ask, that men stand up for their principles and for what is right, instead of taking the easy way out and acquiescing like a lame duck.

Well I am the site administrator for this Blog; here you can say what you want to say so long as it is not vulgar or profane. I will not bow down to oppression, I already left one country for that reason and it will not happen again. Many of you were born with silver spoons in your mouths in regards to freedom; it is actually to your detriment, for I had to flee an oppressive regime under penalty of death to earn the freedom that I so fervently revere. You on the other hand were born in freedom and don’t have sense enough to respect it and what it means.

I am here to say what I want, and I will. Many will hear me, and you can not stop me.



Moon Knight said...

Fear makes people do stupid things. I tried to reason with Mr. Langston and he refused my insight and opinion. I believe in the tried and true saying: what is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular. I was also told what to say and what not to say by the sheriff. I glance at that site every now and again and find that he allows people to bash teams with no proof or reason. He covets those teams he is close to and protects them from any bad mouthing, weather it�s true or not, while he allows other teams to be bashed. He protects some kids while he allows attacks on other. He allows what he wants right up until it deals with his favorites. No I don�t solicit that site but I do glance to see what they are writing from time to time. I loved the freedom that the flakidsnet granted until now. I see that Playswithdogs was also removed from that site. Isn�t it nice to see that people in power cannot deal with freedom of speech. They would much rather allow people to get away with crimes and wrongdoings instead of standing up for what is right and just. I just call them cowards and hypocrites. I am sure they will justify their actions in one manner or another but in the end they are what they are. In the memorable words of footballs TO, �if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it must be a duck�. COWARDS THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM. There is a warm place in hell for people like them.

Moon Knight

Spiderman said...


I can see you are upset. But don't worry, brains always win out over braun in matters of freedom. The pen is in fact mightier than the sword, and here you can pen what you like, theis sites moderator is more American than most who were born here.

Don't fret for plays with dogs, he was not removed, they just deleted his post because he attached the link to my page. I have been in contact with him, and he has agreed to write about his Dog wisom over here as well.

Stay cool...

Hey did you read about my latest victory?

Anonymous said...

I was asked my friends who were banned by Lawtonas to start a web page about Florida Wrestling. I did and what happened. Lawtonas sent me many emails accusing me of many things and threatening to sue me. Can You say Stalin. I told him to go for it. Spidey I have always let you say what you wanted on our site. Even Gave you your own space. I think this blog is a good Idea.


Spiderman said...


I appreciate your support. I am glad to see you over here, I would like to add you as a guest contributer just as I have with Moonie, Doom, Plays and others. We will see this through.


Spiderman said...

One more ting, if you don't mind, could you register with the site sowhen you post I will know it's you right away. Thanks.
