
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Must Read!

I thought it would be prudent at this juncture to put out and advisory so everyone understands their responsibility in remaining anonymous. We all had such a great time teasing and harassing the sheriff that we did not stop to sympathize with the difficulty of his situation. Though I always maintained it was a monster of his own creation, he could have done it all anonymously, but he chose to do it openly. He is the face of that site, and therefore bears the brunt of the attacks on it, and for that I don’t feel badly because he chose his circumstances. He bears quite a burden, but it is in his power to change it and still he persists. An admirable yet imprudent quality given the history of the site and the attacks brought on him personally.

OK, all that said, (and pay close attention) this is important.

If you are a coach, an official, an administrator, an athletic director, or otherwise bound by the regulations of the state governing body, you should understand that the things you say here or on any other site could be used against you.

The state governing body has made it clear to one of my sources (who works for the state governing body BTW) that should anyone that is obliged to follow their bylaws, that is accused of a breach in verbal decorum and public criticism, and assuming that said breach can be substantiated, the culpable individual would face the full sanction of the aforementioned governing body.

Sounds like legal mumbo jumbo I know; and while most of you with a proper education understand what I am saying, here is the KISS (Keep it simple stupid) version.

Don’t say shit to anyone officially about your identity on the blog because if they read it and can link you to what you may have said on a public forum, you could be fired dumb ass.

In conclusion, if you work under the regulations of the state governing body, don’t tell anyone your alias; if you can’t do that, and you get caught, you have no one to blame but yourself. If no one knows your Alias, that is the best possible scenario, if someone or more than one person knows, I hope it’s someone you can trust, and if it’s someone you don’t think you can trust, get a new alias and this time keep it to your self. Anyone and everyone can guess at who you are and what your alias might be, but so long as you don’t provide confirmation, good luck proving it.

One more thing, do you notice that I reference the state governing body by that title and not by the letters that would give them unequivocal identity? Yeah that’s because unless I say their exact name, they have to kiss my ass, there are thousands of State governing bodies, some for athletics some for music, some for Drama and some unrelated to education in any capacity. While we all know who I am talking about, legally they can go screw themselves, good luck proving that I am talking about them. You should be so prudent.



GALACTUS said...

While we live in a supposed democracy,it is really dissapointing to see how little people take their little positions,and then try to rule the world.these people allow you to see how easy it is to become a power mad bufoon.I have the most utter contemt for those for those who have forgotten their prime directive:A level playing field for all

Spiderman said...


It used to that the people were the police of the agencies, but somewhere along the line be it due to apathy, overconfidence, or lazy self-righteous comfort, the agencies got the upper hand and started dictating. Now what word do you see in dictating that is similar to a word meaning all powerful? That is why I like talking toyou Galactus because you like me understand and appreciate freedom, because our roots came from oppresion. The youth of America is lost, they have neither civic pride nor sense of duty, and it is the fault of their lazy ass hippie turned yuppie parents.

Here are a few of my favorite historical quotes, a kid or young adult reading this would likely see it more as treason than as the master plan of the forefathers, and that is very but very sad.

"The will of the people is the only legitimate foundation of any government, and to protect its free expression should be our first object." - Thomas Jefferson

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter, and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." - Abraham Lincoln

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people." - John Adams

"If our democracy is to flourish, it must have criticism; if our government is to function it must have dissent." - Henry Commager

"The First Amendment is often inconvenient. But that is besides the point. Inconvenience does not absolve the government of its obligation to tolerate speech." - Justice Anthony Kennedy

GALACTUS said...

Spidey,I believe that dissent is like a vaccine for democracy.It makes it stronger.Nowadays,dissenters are berated and insulted what a shame,they may be the most patriotic of all.Unfortunately,Our people are not too tolerant of dissent."Actos de repudiacion"are not just done in the island,but also in our county.Sorry for the digression.

Spiderman said...


You do not digress my friend, you are as on point as ever.


Viva la revoluciĆ³n!