
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A Brief History of Events
By: DarkSideGrappler

In the beginning there was a true web site with rankings etc. I forget the mans name But he went on to become a coach at Gateway does any recall his name. In my view this was as good as it ever got. I truly miss this page. Then Came Florida kids on the Rivals net work at first this board was loosely monitored By King Larbluestein lots of traffic started to come to this site and Larry made the mistake of turning control of the wrestling board to Lawtonious. Although It took a few years for the gravity of this choice to be reveled. Lawtonious was a New Jersey transplant who had the I‘m from up north mentality. He Was also a sub par official. However his skills in this area have improved but he is one of those guys who spends all his time learning the rules but has no idea how to apply them in a match. Things were alright for a while until Larry moved to the Flakidzia. Lawtonious gradually came to think the reason people came to the board was to hear him talk. Many stories about N.J. and what a great guy Lawtonious was started to spring up. However Larblustein kept a leash on him and things did not get too bad. When Larbluestein left however Lawtonious’s ego was allowed free reign. He began to see himself as a journalist. He also was unable to take any kind of criticism of his beloved board. All most all original content on the board stopped there were no more rankings Lawtonious cited the FHSAA as the reason for this but when Spiderman posted rankings they were deleted. It became this is my board if you don’t like it see you later. Many people were banned from the site or left on their own accord. Lawtonious used his name recognition to get on the board of FAWA and from that time on Flakidzia became a FAWA site. FAWA events were advertised for free while other event postings were edited deleted or charged a fee. Mysterio started a site called Florida Wrestling last year and it is getting a pretty big readership. He and Spiderman also tired to renew the rivals site but just as it began to gain popularity Spiderman was again banned. Spiderman starts his own blog. Where he says all may post and speak freely. I am sure this would include Lawtonious. So come and tell your side of the story.


Anonymous said...

Now you have got me thinking. What was that guys name. Little Guy, I think he starting out in Jacksonville then moved to GateWay.

Thanks A lot I will not be able to sleep till someone posts his name.

Help me out here.

Spiderman said...

We appreciate yuor input but if you don't mind could you sign up with the Blog or at least sing off with an Alias so that we may maintian some continuity in as far as kowing to whom we are speaking.



P.S. Sorry i can't help you with that name right now but Imight think of it.

Anonymous said...

Spidey so you are now putting rules for posting on your site. What if I want to remain truly Anonymous. With out even a screen name.

"Et tu, Brute?"

Spiderman said...


I have no such rules,it was just a request. Simply put, without an alias, anyone can post a comment and say they are you, the same anonymous that posted the last post and there is no way to know for sure. If that is your desire so be it. I was just trying to establish a persona more than a person but if anonymous is what you want to be have at it.


Anonymous said...

testing testing testing.......... screw all of u here.....we don't need u and don't want u on our site.....the old frail fartsy sheriff on 1 and lackofstones on the other...we love our moderators.....love them i tell u.....so good ridance and screw u!

darksidegrapler said...

Well it seems the Web one passes his first test.

Maybe it was the Sheriff.

now how about some commets on my post

Moon Knight said...

I rather enjoyed the story. I totally agree with it as well. I wonder though, maybe you were a little nice to the sheriff as it pertains to his officiating skills. I have heard many rumors about his, let's just say shorcomings in that area. Why excatly did the sheriff turn that site into a FAWA site and how did he get away with it.

Spiderman said...


Thank you for your contribution, all opinions are welcome here. We appreciate you stopping in and taking the time to post.


darksidegrapler said...

It was never an official FAWA site only him fawning all over Bill G . As is his want. All the pin messages the advertise an event he charges for. Unless it is a FAWA event. Those of you who recall him before FAWA let him on the board know that before that he promoted the AAU and NHSCAA events that he now distains. You are correct about his skills with the wistle. That is wwy he sits at the table with his lap top at the Big Show.

Anonymous said...

Well written article.