
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Deleted from FKN but here for all to see

I have two very important bits of news to render.

I would just like declare that my instincts or Spidey Sense if you will, were dead on AGAIN in regards to the fascist attitude and policies of our beloved sheriff.

Remember a little over a week ago when he invited me back, and I said (Publically and on FKN) I could not return so long as he remained the caretaker of that less fortunate website. Yes well, he validated my reasoning today; it turns out I went to sign in to my mailbox so I could communicate with some of my private correspondents, and low and behold, I read the Following,

“You do not have any access privileges to forums on this site”

“We're sorry to inform you that you have been banned from all activity on all Scout.com forums. We hope that you will continue to enjoy other content on the rest of the Scout.com network. This is an automated message, please do not reply.”

Did you really expect less?

It was a little bit of an experiment on my part, and of course the rat took the cheese. I decided I would reveal my secret screen name for two purposes, first off to prove to everyone that the sheriff does in fact come over to FKN and read our superior product (even though most of us are on hiatus). Secondly to establish once and for all that so long as he is in charge freedom of expression will suffer and be subject to his censorship regardless of any assurances he makes. I guess he knows that for reporting bits of news, and for stroking egos, the other site will do, but he knows that when people want to have a real conversation they come over here.

The second part of the experiment was where I once again established my superior intellect and instincts. I told two of my sources what he would do, and they will provide confirmation shortly that what I say is true. I proved that a Skunk can’t get rid of his stink; I knew that if I revealed my screen name, it would just be a matter of time before he came over, read it, and banned me from that site again. Never mind that he had just invited me back, stating that he would be more liberal and that he was less afraid of repercussions now and all that baloney. You see, I understand how this cat operates, I know this guy, and I know his petty and insecure nature. I never posted one single time on that site, the only writing I did over there was in the private message boxes, in effect he banned me because it’s me, and for no other valid reason, which makes this banning even worse than the previous one. Do I need to say I told you so?

A futile effort on his part really, he can’t keep me from using his mail system even if he wanted to, I can start a new web e-mail address every day of the week for the next 10 years if I wanted too, so he can’t keep me off, and he has no way of knowing who I am unless I reveal myself much as I did just a week ago. How would he know otherwise? I don’t read the inferior content on the other site unless prompted to do so by someone close to me, and then usually because it is about me.

So I will start a new screen name today; or maybe tomorrow, or maybe a week from now or 3 days or 10 days, he has now way of knowing. I will send out a public but encoded message with my new screen name to my loyal sources, and my network will be back up and running soon. He was not even smart enough to wait until a point in the season where it might affect my ability to communicate and put a damper in my reports, so I guess the only purpose banning me served was to reveal himself for what he is.



Moon Knight said...

the damm sonofaplaya deleted my post on his site. what an a-hole. I hope everyone got the message before he took it out.

Spiderman said...

If even one person saw it, that is enough.

Mysterio was kind was enough to place a link to my Blog on his site. I wonder why they have the option of attaching URL's if they are then going to turn around and delete them.


Anonymous said...

It is still up on the Varsity site

Spiderman said...

No it was just delerted from there as well. No worries, they will come. The important players are here. Mysterio, Moonie, Darkside, CoachKW, Dr. Doom, and many m ore will come. This will be everyones first choice before long, and the Sheriff will regret taking me on.


darksidegrapler said...

If you build it they will come.

Did Mooney and play get banned from the site?

Spiderman said...

PWD did not, but Moonie may have.
