
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Spidey Scoop:

Word From the West is...

One of my better sources out in the west coast is reporting to me that Michael Nates and Daniel Ogando were dismissed from the Riverdale wrestling team. I can not at this time divulge the circumstances behind their dismissal, but needless to say neither individual will be wrestling for Riverdale. Word has it they are headed back to Dade County where they will basically be free agents. Maybe these two refuges from Hialeah will now become American Citizens and they can proudly display their Patriotism.

Any of you ever seen those Guinness commercials? BRILLIANT! Very well played if I do say so myself. A new change of residence should be enough, and since their last coach was not Osorio, they can not be accused of following their coach. Their last coach was the Riverdale coach, so they should be OK to wrestle as Patriots; after all they did not follow Osorio. Yeah someone will make a stink and the G.M.A.C. will throw a hissy; and likely the FHSAA will as well, but technically speaking they should be able to wrestle at American. Too bad they will not have the pockets to hire the right lawyer to kick the FHSAA in their tail yet again. Hey maybe those Oviedo lawyers would like to do some pro-bono work? I doubt it, besides it’s better to have a judge on your side than a lawyer.

So if not American where will they go?

A South Dade address would do nicely; I could almost see Brandon shaking in their Burgundy Boots if this happens. Would they dare to cry foul? We can only hope; any time the pot calls the kettle black it is always very interesting.

Perhaps they will land at Christopher Columbus, where they can re-name the gym San Salvador Gymnasium. It’s got a nice RING to it. The Godfather can make this happen and solidify a dynasty that includes some very favorable move-ins.

How about Braddock? Why not, lots of nice apartments springing up at Bargain prices in west Kendall. Two returning champs, plus two potential finalists, plus a compliment of others is a nice formula for a run at the title.

What ever the case may be, two Dade boys are headed back home, and I could not be more pleased.

Stay Tuned, things are heating up.



Anonymous said...

They should have stayed in hialeah and been loyal. I don't think they should be allowed to wrestle period. We are not teaching these kids any morals and values by letting them do all this. Ososrio, should be to blame for this he should have told these kids to the right thing, not help them cheat.

Anonymous said...

Why not go back to Hialeah where they came from?

Anonymous said...

don't you mean Oviedo. You wrote Bandon.

Spiderman said...


How very un-American of you.

You suggest that we restrict freedom in a free country.

Loyalty??? Kids should not be loyal to institutions that don't give a rats ass about them beyond what federal money they are going to receive, they should be loyal to their coaches, who work tirelessly and invest much of their own money in them.

No offense but F_ _ k the schools, the only people that care about wrestling are wrestling people. These kids and all kids should be allowed to follow their coaches; they are the ones who brought them up in the sport, trained them, fed them, housed them and sacrificed for them. All the schools do is collect the federal funds for each head and administer tests. Ask any wrestling coach how much funding the school provides to run their program and they will laugh in your face.

You ask for Loyalty? Then let them go with who got them their.

Spiderman said...


Oviedo is a given, SD will regain the crown this year; unless of course Oviedo brings in some unforeseen fire power. No I meant Brandon because if you are paying attention, South Dade is in the Graves duals, they have a chance to end the "Streak" and while I don't think SD has enough right now to knock Brandon off that perch, add Nates and Ogando to the mix and we can start talking while Brandon scrambles.

Spiderman said...


Why not go back to Hialeah. I think a better question is why go to Hialeah? Word has it that Hialeah showed up to the pre-season classic with 4 wrestlers total. Is that what these 2 state caliber wrestlers deserve? What is so wrong about them going to American?

Moon Knight said...


You mean after all this that asshole gets away with bringing in his kids? How is that fair to anyone in the county. For that matter why doesn't he just transfer to Braddock with his kids and create an all-star team that may have a shot at a state title. Does that make any sense? Those kids should not go to American. He would be doing his 'new' school and kids a disservice. It is wrong no matter how you look at it.

Spiderman said...


I did not expect to find you on the other side of this argument. Nevertheless, I completely disagree with you, if you read my previous post's to anonymous, you will see why, I will not bother to write it all again.

Anonymous said...

If Osorio took his kids braddock we could rename the school Oviedo South!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's uncertain if Nates and Ogando will come to American or not. One thing is for sure, they want a shot at winning a state championship this year and will go anywhere that will help them achieve that goal. I don't think that they have any loyalty or else they would've followed Osorio to American a long time ago. They'd be excellent additions to any school. Frankly, if I were one of them, I'd go to South Dade.

DR. DOOM said...

I'll start the bid at 1000 pesos! Do I hear 2000 pesos, 2000 pesos for a chance to win a state title 2000 pesos, 2000 pesos and your soul to the devil, going once, going twice, SOLD to the older fellow with the Tom Selleck mustache and hoarse voice!!!!!

Spiderman said...


Nice to see your influence back on the boards. So you say Columbus?

Moon Knight said...


Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions, there is still American out there. I am sure they would love to work for that coach one more year. Columbus is a mighty guess but I doubt the Dark one can make it happen. American is the place they will end up. I have grown fond of Coach Osorio but this does taint my opinion of him. If he was going to bring all of his kids to American then why did he leave Hialeah in the first place. I still think it is wrong and what he is going to do makes us all coaches look bad. May it be on his concious. Coach KW you have a computer you can use, mind telling us where they have enrolled or is that too much to ask.

Anonymous said...

does this make american one of the top teams in dade?

Spiderman said...


Check your e-mail.

Anonymous said...

'bring us your poor, your weary, your huddled masses.'

it makes perfect sense. American and recruiting.

dogs_r_food said...

I bid 2700 pesos for the boys to go to Homestead and be coached by the "LEGEND"if he's still there.
I eat dogs,do you eat dogs?

Plays_With_Dogs said...

I will not dignify your stupidity, dogs are not food, and if you eat dogs you are a barbarian.

I love dogs!

And all of you should love dogs too, they are better than people and more noble as well.

Spiderman said...


Don't let'm get to you bud,they are just trying to get under your skin.

Anonymous said...

I thought once you started practicing with a school/team during the official season, you could not be eligible for another school/team. Does anyone know the official rule on this?

Spiderman said...


I think such power might not make American a power necessarily, but it would significantly improve them.

Other Anonymous,

I wish you would tell me when Osorio has been linked to recruiting before? Other than last year with Espinosa, when else would be an example of recruiting by Osorio. Recruiting develops as a pattern, not from one isolated incident. Furthermore, if Nates and Ogando do end up at American, I don't think you can consider kids that have been coached their entire career by Osorio as having been recruited. Did they maybe beat the system by sending them away and then bringing them back? Possibly if it turns out that way, but that is not recruiting, that is hanging on to your own. Props to Osorio if he actually devised this plan; and if it was not by design, then I think it's great if it works out that Nates and Ogando become patriots. The rest of you can cry sour grapes if you like, I am happy for American, and I think it is fitting that Osorio gets his kids back.

Spiderman said...

I think this is a good question for the Ref.

Let me contact him and see what he says, stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

don't they have to actually move into the american school district to be eligible and don't you think someone is going to check to see if they live where they say they are living? all of this hypothetical stuff is cool but if they do come back they better have everything in place or enter the proper school because they are probably going to check.

dogs_r_food said...

I will not get under his skin if it is that of a Shar Pei or a Bloodhound,a notoriously tough breed.Taste wise that is!

Spiderman said...


You are pushing hard. LOL!!!

Plays_With_Dogs said...

You are a sick and disgusting human being. I hope when you die you are reincarnated and come back as a dog in China where they can make Moo Shoo You; then you will know what a poor intelligent and loyal dog has to go through in a world of brutal humans.

I love dogs, and so should you, but if you don't I hope you suffer the fate I just expressed.

Spiderman said...


Moo Shoo You!


I think I just pee'd my pants a little bit.

Then again, when you get to be my age that is pretty normal.

Anonymous said...

many will owe Osorio an apology after this. None will give it.

Plays_With_Dogs said...

Every dog has his day.I'm sure the pups in his new kennel will do him proud.

I love dogs,do you love dogs?