
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Monday, September 15, 2008

New Feature

You’ll notice I have a new feature on the right of the Blog just under the archives section, it allows my readers to acknowledge that they are affiliates of the Spiders Lair. All you have to do is click on where it says “FOLLOW THIS BLOG” and it will give you some options to include a picture of your self (avatar) or to follow as anonymous.
I Hope you like this new feature, and I hope to get some polls started soon, so if any of you have any good ideas for a poll, send them along and I will post it on the site and give you credit as originator.


Spiderman said...


Great picture, very funny, but if that's really a picture of you I suggest you see a Urologist A.S.A.P. as there may be a vesicle rupture or something more serious going on. Good luck wit dat.

Spiderman said...

I see some of you have designated yourselves as readers of my blog, I appreciate your interest and I hope you will be an avid participant.

If you don't have a picture to display you can get one fairly easily, here’s how.

Once you are signed onto Google, you will see a button on top next to your sign in name that says dashboard, click on it and in the next page you will see on the left side the middle selection is “update profile.”

There are two things you can do from there, either select a picture from your computer and download it or provide a picture you may like from the internet (like a superhero pic).

In the first option you would browse your computer, select a file and download it.

In the second option all you have to do is right click on the picture you want to use, highlight the URL right click again and select copy, then paste it in the box and click on download.

Remember to click “save” before you exit to save the info, and VOILA! You have a picture or an avatar which ever you choose.

Good Luck!


Kingpin said...


Kingpin said...


Kingpin said...

still testing

Paladin Coach said...


You have options...


Paladin Coach