
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Where you at Sup?

What are you thinking about Sup?
Catwoman got your tongue?
Won't you come out and play?


Spiderman said...

It seems the rumors are true, SUPERMAN is DEAD. Apparently he choked on some crow. Who'd of thought that SUPERMAN was not only susceptible to Kryptonite, but al so to Crow.

Spideysorio? (maybe not)

Anonymous said...

I will always be here. I never intended for the site to die, just for the truth to be known about you being Osorio. Now go ahead and play around and continue to go along with it acting like you aren't or like you are not. The main thing people need to understand is that they can not give you any valuable info because you will use it against them. I always said Osorio was a smart man. By the way how is the sex with Sal going for you?

Anonymous said...

LOL..... sex with sal....LOL...one word...PAINFULL....LOL

Spiderman said...


Hey Sup is it really you? why did you not sign your name "SUPERMAN"? I have my duobts.

OK Sup I admited it already, I told everyone that I am in fact Osorio. Now did you happen to check out my tatoo? How did that work out for ya?

Hey you can't kill my site, only I can do that, so why would you think I was worried. I had some personal buisness to take care of and you and others did a great job of holding down tha fort until I returned.

Anyway Sup, how did you team fare at G.M.A.C.?

Nice to have you back, I thought you were dead.


Anonymous said...

This site is dead. Boring topics, 2or 3 people writing back and forth to each other. There is a bunch of bitching and complaining all the time. It's almost as if it's on life support. When will you pull the plug Spisorio or are you happy just speaking to Moon Night and KW. No one trust you or your ridiculous site anymore. Concentrate on coaching your team.
I still enjoy watching you squirm around trying to bring this back to life. One more thing, I can't die, I'm the man of steele, didn't you know that.


Spiderman said...


Well four people if you count yourself. Why don't you sign in and get an alias, that way we will know for sure how many we have.

Ever heard of Google analytics? yeah it gives you statistics on how many visitors your site is getting, how long they stay, and if they return. So far so good I must say, we just hit our peak on Monday, with 138 visitors to the site. Not all posted, but some people just like reading good material. Readers spent on the average a total of 14 minutes on the site, and return to the site on average 3 to 4 times a day.

Sorry to put a dampner on your post. You might be made of Steel, and apparently your Brain is no exception.

Hey how do you think Columbus will do the rest of the way? I hope you can do better than just 4 guys in the top 4 of regionals.


Anonymous said...

I think Columbus will do fine since they do have one of the best coaches in the sport. They will whoop everyone 's ass. Why don't you make a poll on that.

Spiderman said...



BTW I love and respect Husk, but you need some Chickens to make chiken soup; Chinken $hit just don't cut it.

I see another 5th or 6th place finish for you in two weeks, if everything goes your way you might end up 4th.

There is only so much the Godfather can do

Spiderman said...

Hey Sup your poll is up.

What'da ya think?

Carefull what you wish for around here, the Spider might just grant it for you.


Anonymous said...

U 2 should get a room.

Spiderman said...


Spiderman is a Marvel, Superman is DC, we are incompatible, a room would not do.
