
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We Have A New President

Obama wins in a land slide with 349 electoral votes to McCain’s 147.

On the Spiders Lair it wasn’t close either with Obama receiving 58% of the vote and McCain with 48%.

The most interesting part of the poll however was the 16% of voters who voted for McCain but stated with their vote that although they were voting for McCain they were of the belief that Obama would win. By contrast, only 1 person said that they were voting for Obama but they believed that McCain would win.

I will say that I also voted for Obama, not because he is black or white or young or for Change, or because I blame Bush or for the many myriad reasons that I have heard others quote. I voted for Obama because without looking at race, or the need for change, or the deficiencies of this extreme right leaning GOP, I truly believed in my heart that not only was he the best candidate with the best plan, and the best course of action to bring this country out of our tail spin, but because he seemed best prepared to deal with all the factions of political groups that all seek to enrich themselves no matter who it neglects.

The greatest country in the world has a new president, he is black, but he is also white.

He is rich, but he also knows what it’s like to be poor.

He is an eloquent speaker but he also knows how to listen.

For the first time in my history I have a president that I can actually relate to, who was not born of privilege, and who started out with nothing and made something. I have a president who stands tall on his own merits and not on the shoulders of his father or grandfathers, and who did not allow the obstacles placed before him by those unwilling, unable, or incapable of accepting someone who is different from hindering his need to be good, do good, have success, and feel the need to serve his country under those principles.

As for John McCain, I felt true sympathy for him; he is a great person, a great man, who I truly believe above all else loves his country with passion. Unfortunately his party let him down more than he let them down, he was pigeon holed by the GOP into what they believe this country is all about and unfortunately that was not the John McCain that many of us liked so much. The John McCain who spoke last night during his concession speech is the McCain that should have run for President, that John McCain could have had a chance.

Though this was not wrestling related, it was still a fun poll to have and it’s good to know that the readers of the Spiders Lair not only took the time to vote on this poll, but also that the readership of the Lair reflects the demographics and the diversity in this state and this country.

Good Bless the United States of America, without question the greatest country in the world.


GALACTUS said...

We must be the same person because I was thinking the same thing you wrote. Terrific commentary

Anonymous said...

I cannot agree. Disenting opinion.

"Fact: Obama was part of one of the most corrupt and violent organizations in Africa: the Kenyatta regime. Obama's father ran back to Kenya soon after the British left. It is likely Obama's father had Mau Mau sympathies or connections, or he would not have been welcomed into the murderous inner circle of rapists, murderers, and arsonists. I believe Obama's secret shame at his family history of rape, murder and arson is what actualizes him. Our research is not yet complete. We are seeking to examine British colonial records. Our investigation to date has drawn on information on three continents.

"And what about Obama's beloved Kenyan brothers and sisters? None of his family was invited to Boston to share his prominence. Are his relatives being kept in the closet? Where are they? More secrecy, more prevarication.

"It is time for Barack Obama to stop presenting a fantasy to the American people. We are forgiving and many would still support him. It may well be that his concealment is meant to endanger Israel. His Muslim religion would obviously raise serious questions in many Jewish circles where Obama now enjoys support," Martin said.

Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political commentator, columnist, was more pointedly critical about Obama's Islamic connections, she wrote on her blog, debbieschlussel.com/, "while Obama may not identify as a Muslim, that's not how the Arab and Muslim Streets see it.

"In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you. And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. You cannot go back. In Islamic eyes, Obama is certainly a Muslim. He may think he's a Christian, but they do not."

Is a man Muslims think is a Muslim, Schlussel asked on her blog, " a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?

"Is that even the man we'd want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn't turn down)?"

Obama was born Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, the son of Barack Hussein Obama Sr. of Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya, and Ann Dunham, of Wichita, Kan.

Obama senior met his wife, a white woman, when he was a student attending the University of Hawaii. Obama junior was born in Hawaii.

When he was two-years old, Obama's parents divorced and his father returned to Kenya, where he eventually served as a senior economist in the country's Ministry of Finance.

When Obama was six, his mother, an atheist, married Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Muslim and moved to Jakarta, Indonesia. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia.

Soetoro enrolled his stepson in one of Jakarta's Muslim Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad on the rest of the world. Obama later attended a Catholic school in Indonesia.

At age 10 Obama was sent back to Hawaii to be raised by his white maternal grandparents and to attend the prestigious Punahou Academy.

He attended Occidental College, followed by Columbia College and Columbia University.

After Obama's parents divorced when he was two, he spent only one month with his father before his father's death in a vehicle wreck when Obama was 20.

After college, Obama entered Harvard Law where he was elected president of the Harvard Law Review. He received his law degree in 1991 and moved to Chicago where he took a job with a civil rights law firm.

Obama was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He lost in a bid for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004.

Obama says he is a Christian with "deep faith rooted in the Christian tradition." He is a member of Trinity United Church of Christ of Chicago, which on its web site declares to be a "congregation which is Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian" and "an African people" who "remain 'true to our native land,' the mother continent, the cradle of civilization."

Trinity United Church of Christ adopted a "Black Value System" which pledges allegiance "to all Black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System" and a "personal commitment to embracement of the Black Value System."

According to ontheissues.org, Obama has proven himself to be a nearly perfect leftist democrat. He is pro-abortion, anti-gun, against ban of same-sex marriage, against teaching family values in public schools, against ban of flag burning, against privatizing Social Security, against the death penalty and three strikes laws, for hiring more women and minorities, for increased funding for health care and for campaign finance reform

Spiderman said...


I appreciate the comments my friend.

Spiderman said...


Your delusional and fantastical tirade does not really deserve a response but I felt I must at least mock you a little bit.

Where were all these so called facts just a few days ago before the vote was a virtual certainty?

The truth is that what you and your kind tried to do to President Obama and continue to try to do is what one does when they are desperate and they lie in the low ground, and that is heave mud.

The tactics of frightening and angering the old, ignorant, and the racist are tried and true formulas by which the American people have been duped before. Luckily this time around there was a more savvy, more informed, and a more open minded contagion in this country than that which was susceptible to your stupid, ignorant, and baseless accusations.

This morning instead of being ashamed at the ignorance of the American people, I am proud to say that I am impressed with their ability to sift out your bull$hit and make an informed decision.

Anonymous said...

You asked, "Where were all these so called facts just a few days ago before the vote was a virtual certainty?". They are all over the internet. Yet another article. Enjoy.

"If I were a Muslim I would let you know," Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim.

But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim? More precisely, might Muslims consider him a murtadd (apostate), that is, a Muslim who converted to another religion and, therefore, someone whose blood may be shed?

Barack Obama at the Smoky Row Coffee Shop in Oskaloosa, Iowa.

The candidate for president of the United States has delivered two principal statements in reply. His campaign website carries a statement dated Nov. 12 with the headline, "Barack Obama Is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim," followed by: "Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian." Then, on Dec. 22, in the unlikely setting of the Smoky Row Coffee Shop in Oskaloosa, Iowa, as he munched on pumpkin pie and drank tea with four locals, Obama provided more detail took on this topic than before. When asked to explain his Muslim heritage, he replied:

My father was from Kenya, and a lot of people in his village were Muslim. He didn't practice Islam. Truth is he wasn't very religious. He met my mother. My mother was a Christian from Kansas, and they married and then divorced. I was raised by my mother. So, I've always been a Christian. The only connection I've had to Islam is that my grandfather on my father's side came from that country. But I've never practiced Islam. … For a while, I lived in Indonesia because my mother was teaching there. And that's a Muslim country. And I went to school. But I didn't practice. But what I do think it does is it gives me insight into how these folks think, and part of how I think we can create a better relationship with the Middle East and that would help make us safer is if we can understand how they think about issues.

These statements raise two questions: What is Obama's true connection to Islam and what implications might this have for an Obama presidency?

Was Obama Ever a Muslim?
"I've always been a Christian," said Obama, focusing on his own personal lack of practice of Islam as a child to deny any connection to Islam. But Muslims do not see practice as key. For them, that he was born to a line of Muslim males makes him born a Muslim. Further, all children born with an Arabic name based on the H-S-N trilateral root (Hussein, Hassan, and others) can be assumed to be Muslim, so they will understand Obama's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, to proclaim him a born Muslim.

More: family and friends considered him as a child to be Muslim. In "Obama Debunks Claim About Islamic School," Nedra Pickler of the Associated Press wrote on January 24, 2007, that

Obama's mother, divorced from Obama's father, married a man from Indonesia named Lolo Soetoro, and the family relocated to the country from 1967-71. At first, Obama attended the Catholic school, Fransiskus Assisis, where documents showed he enrolled as a Muslim, the religion of his stepfather. The document required that each student choose one of five state-sanctioned religions when registering – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic or Protestant.

Asked about this, Obama communications director Robert Gibbs responded by indicating to Pickler that

he wasn't sure why the document had Obama listed as a Muslim. "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim."

Two months later, Paul Watson of the Los Angeles Times (available online in a Baltimore Sun reprint) reported that the Obama campaign had retreated from that absolute statement and instead issued a more nuanced one: "Obama has never been a practicing Muslim." The Times looked into the matter further and learned more about his Indonesian interlude:

His former Roman Catholic and Muslim teachers, along with two people who were identified by Obama's grade-school teacher as childhood friends, say Obama was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools he attended. That registration meant that during the third and fourth grades, Obama learned about Islam for two hours each week in religion class.

The childhood friends say Obama sometimes went to Friday prayers at the local mosque. "We prayed but not really seriously, just following actions done by older people in the mosque. But as kids, we loved to meet our friends and went to the mosque together and played," said Zulfin Adi. … Obama's younger sister, Maya Soetoro, said in a statement released by the campaign that the family attended the mosque only "for big communal events," not every Friday.

Recalling Obama's time in Indonesia, the Times account contains quotes that Obama "went to the mosque," and that he "was Muslim."

Summarized, available evidence suggests Obama was born a Muslim to a non-practicing Muslim father and for some years had a reasonably Muslim upbringing under the auspices of his Indonesian step-father. At some point, he converted to Christianity. It appears false to state, as Obama does, "I've always been a Christian" and "I've never practiced Islam." The campaign appears to be either ignorant or fabricating when it states that "Obama never prayed in a mosque."

Anonymous said...

Some American Muslim leaders also perceive Obama as Muslim. The president of the Islamic Society of North America, Sayyid M. Syeed, told Muslims at a conference in Houston that whether Obama wins or loses, his candidacy will reinforce that Muslim children can "become the presidents of this country." The Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan called Obama "the hope of the entire world" and compared him to his religion's founder, Fard Muhammad.

But this excitement also has a dark side – suspicions that Obama is a traitor to his birth religion, an apostate (murtadd) from Islam. Al-Qaeda has prominently featured Obama's stating "I am not a Muslim" and one analyst, Shireen K. Burki of the University of Mary Washington, sees Obama as "bin Laden's dream candidate." Should he become U.S. commander in chief, she believes, Al-Qaeda would likely "exploit his background to argue that an apostate is leading the global war on terror … to galvanize sympathizers into action."

Anonymous said...

Hillary's team has questions about Obama's Muslim background

Sen. Barack Obama approached the media after a meeting with President Bush at the White House on Jan. 5. (AFP/File/Mannie Garcia)

Are the American people ready for an elected president who was educated in a Madrassa as a young boy and has not been forthcoming about his Muslim heritage?

This is the question Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s camp is asking about Sen. Barack Obama.

An investigation of Mr. Obama by political opponents within the Democratic Party has discovered that Mr. Obama was raised as a Muslim by his stepfather in Indonesia. Sources close to the background check, which has not yet been released, said Mr. Obama, 45, spent at least four years in a so-called Madrassa, or Muslim seminary, in Indonesia.

"He was a Muslim, but he concealed it," the source said. "His opponents within the Democrats hope this will become a major issue in the campaign."

When contacted by Insight, Mr. Obama’s press secretary said he would consult with “his boss” and call back. He did not.

Sources said the background check, conducted by researchers connected to Senator Clinton, disclosed details of Mr. Obama's Muslim past. The sources said the Clinton camp concluded the Illinois Democrat concealed his prior Muslim faith and education.

"The background investigation will provide major ammunition to his opponents," the source said. "The idea is to show Obama as deceptive."

Anonymous said...

There are 1.5 billion muslims in the world. Based on your argument then they are all evil????? George W. Bush was an alcholic drug user before he became a born again Christian when he was in his 40's. Did that influence your vote, then why would you care if Obama went to a muslim school when he was a young boy! How many people claim a religion and never practice it? Stop being a racist sore loser and get over it! Obama is the 44 American President!

Spiderman said...


OK you got me, I too am covering up for our new president, and he is a radical Muslim and will soon have this country on our own Jihad.

It seems your talent was wasted, you should have been McCain's campaign manager, with all these facts he could have easily won. To bad he hired such an inept, uninformed, and helpless, bunch to investigate the former senator and bring to light that he is in fact the Manchurian candidate. You'd figure that with all our satellites, the internet, and massive amounts of data and technology that we would have figured this all out long ago, but we've been duped. I don't know what else to say other than I can't wait to put on my turban and move into my Casbah, or maybe I will just roam the desert, I've always wanted to be a Bedouin.

If I were you I would promptly move to some other part of the world that is going to be much safer than the United States.

SMS said...

Anonymous is obviously a republican. Sore loser.

Anonymous said...

Godm help us! we're F'd.

Anonymous said...

"We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism."

- Nikita Kruschev, Premiere of the former Soviet Union, 3-1/2 months before his first visit to the United States.


"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of "liberalism," they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

- Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate

Anonymous said...


Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?

I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.

Let's make sure that there is certainty during uncertain times in our economy.

Anonymous said...

And the price of eggs in China?

Anonymous said...

Why are are we so afraid of Muslims ? Were those Muslims smiling for the photo while they stood next to the tree that two lynched Black men hung from ? There are good and bad in all races, this was not a close race for the presidency. We voted and America has spoken. Come on America, let's move on to a better day.The "country" has supported 43 white presidents who have done their best to lead this great nation that we live in. Why can't we give the same support to Obama ?

Spiderman said...

“I believe that communism is another sad, bizarre chapter in human history whose last pages even now are being written.”

Ronald Reagan

Anonymous said...


I believe that some people have very deep feelings over the Islamic community and their involvement in the World Trade Center bombings. Not that all Muslims are extremist but some people still have yet to let that go.

I am proud that America voted for a Black African-American president but I do not agree with some of the issues of the Democratic Party. The fact that Liberals will now be able to appoint 3-4 more Judges to the highest court in the land worries me.

Abortion shoud not be allowed except for reasons of the child's health, rape, and a mother's health. If you can get sent to jail for crushing a sea turtle egg in its embriotic stage and be fined up to $5,000 dollars then killing or "destroying" an already fertilized egg should carry the same punishment if you truly believe that the value of life is important.

I also believe that welfare should be reformed not nurtured. People have been abusing welfare for many years and they will now see an influx of money given to them as more will be taken out of our hard earned monies in taxes.

The Democratic economic plan will give teachers a well deserved $500 dollar tax rebate/break. But anyone making $40,000 dollars or more will see an increase in their taxes to pay for the growing government and continued assistance to abusing welfare peoples.

I believe that this race had little to do with Race but much more to do with the angst and dissatisfaction the American people had with the ruling Replublican party.

Just my two cents worth.

SMS said...

This election was not about race or religion. The results of this election are a reflection of the american people's dissatisfaction with the current state of our country and its current regime. We have finally gotten past the color thing. For me this election was about issues as well. Do we want to take on our biggest problems in this country or are we willing to live with the status quo. This is the very thing that made this country great. The American people have spoken and we will not settle any longer for the ststus quo.

Spiderman said...


First of all let me tell you that whether I agree with your politics or not does not prevent me from recognizing that your post was well formulated and sensible especially by comparison with the junk that's been posted here of late.

The only thing that bothers me about your post is that anonymous tag, not that I want to know your true identity, but even an assumed identity makes for a pattern and a recognition that is lacking when the post is by anonymous because how am I supposed to know if it's you or not the next time you post. Anyway, that is just a pet Peeve.

As for the policies of the democratic party, I agree with some but not with others, and that makes me normal, no one agrees with someone else 100% of the time and there is nothing wrong with that.

As for the abortion thing, you really are comparing apples to oranges with the whole Turtle thing. First off, Turtles are not killing their own eggs, I’m sure if they were no one would be prosecuting Turtles. Now if Turtles were killing Human embryos then of course we’d go after Turtles, I hope you can see the folly of your analogy.

In Fact, Turtles as well as most creatures in the animal kingdom often abandon their young if they are too small, too weak, or have some type of birth defect, and we don’t prosecute them for doing so, but instead we accept that its part of nature.

You might be too young to remember, but when abortion was illegal, women who wanted an abortion still found ways to get one, sometimes with a wire hangar, sometimes at a makeshift clinic in the back room of someone’s house, and sometimes by other extreme measures. Women were dying of infections and scarring their bodies permanently because they could not get the surgical procedure done by a physician in a clinic or other sterile location that would protect a woman’s health.

I am not trying to say I support or even condone abortion, I believe it is ignorant to get pregnant if the people involved are not using birth control, although even with birth control a woman can get pregnant.

I don’t think we should legislate forcing someone to have a child who does not want to have a child. I understand the religious implications, but religion will not make a child wanted that is unwanted, it will not make a child loved that is unloved, and it will not make a child a glory to God merely by bringing it to life. An unwanted child is usually resented, typically abused either physically or emotionally, and most commonly devalued. Our schools and our streets are filled with unwanted children; I don’t see the churches and anti-abortion folks stepping up to tackle that problem. Abortion is ugly and wrong, but the alternative which is unwanted children; and that is worse.

A life that never gets to be suffers not but unrealized potential, but a unwanted life that gets to be suffers an existence.

And that is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

If you knew a woman who was pregnant and she had 8 kids already...of which 3 of them were deaf, 2 were blind and 1 was mentally retarded....and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she should have an abortion?

If you answered "yes", then, you would have killed Beethoven.

Spiderman said...

The are 1000 Ted Bundy's for every Beethoven.

As much as I love Beethovens Violin Concerto in D Major (It's one of my favorite pieces of classical music) I'd accept never hearing anything by Beethoven if it meant my sister, or daughter, or girlfriend or classmate, would not be murdered by a maniac.

Spiderman said...

I love the times we live in, the technology and the beauty of being able to root out the bull$hit that many of you spread off the cuff because you believe it will make your narrow minded point never mind that it’s a lie.

Here are the facts about Beethoven,

The First Ludwig
There is certain confusion about Ludwig van Beethoven's birth certificate. In April 1769, a year before his own birth, a brother had been born who had also been named and registered Ludwig. This child only lived for six days.

Ludwig was born the following year and given the same name. This has given rise to a great deal of confusion, which has never been clarified. Dates used by biographers are sometimes contradictory due to this problem with the archives.

Anton Karl was born in April 1774. his godparents were the minister Belderbuch, and Countess Caroline von Satzenhofen. Johann thought that with these godparents he might have some influence on the Elector and be appointed to his father's position at court. This, as we know, did not happen.

Nikkolaus Johann
Before Ludwig's sixth birthday, in October 1776, his second brother, Nikolaus Johann, was born.

Maria Margaretha Josepha
Beethoven's only sister, Maria Margaretha, was born in 1786. she was only one year old when her mother died.

Beethoven's mother did have seven children but only 3 survived, they were not blind, deaf, or retarded, and she did not have syphilis that we know of.

I stick by my Bundy Analogy, though Snopes makes a great one about having aborted Hitler.

For more on the subject and the facts follow the link.


Anonymous said...

I wrote that, because I thought it was an interesting thought. I didn't say that "no" would have been the right answer. Anyway, how could you have a sister if it is a possibility if she was aborted? Lol, this topic has been going on forever. I don't think it is going to be resolved in the spider's lair.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


With your defense for the legalization of abortion and harm that it does to this great nation morally and ethically you have shown the true power of Shakespear when he wrote;

We're often to blame, and this is too much proves, that with devotion's visage and pious action we do pour sugar on the devil himself.

Without personal accountability then their truly is no cure for what ails this country. So long as we excuse and minimize the many shortcomings of people who willfully and continuously err without holding them accountable, then where does this all end. If we don't learn from history itself then we are pitifully destined to relive it again. Morals and ethics, values and common sense, seem to be words that no longer hold power or sway in today's America. Why and when did we turn our backs to such things. Who is to blame for this. As you know there are many to blame and some carry more blame than others but in reality if we are really and truly seeking the guilty party then we should only look in a mirror. We have allowed the decay of this country's moral character and by doing so we have compromised our childrens' future. What kind of world do you think they wake up to see? What kind or how far down the rabbit hole must we fall to see what the world will be like for our grandchildren.

I appreciate this most verbose and passionate discussion and maybe a topic of itself would bring more readers to comment on it.

Anonymous said...

And thus we clothe our naked villainy with old odd and ends stolen forth from holy writ to seem saintly when most play the devil.

Or is it the devil is playing us.

Who said,'the greatest con the devil ever pulled was convincing us that he does not exist'?

Anonymous said...


I agree that the problems of this great nation cannot be solved by simply turning a blind eye nor outlawing abortion. But surely someone as edified as yourself sees the maladies that are now suffocating our nation. Vulgarities on the radio, kids in middle school having sex and using drugs. Crime, corruption, and the senseless murder of countless mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, in our streets by morally ambiguous people. How did we get here? Why can't we fix it. My most humble answer is that we live in a nation that has allowed our belief of freedom to blind us to the fact that freedom does not mean we allow everything in our nation. The more we seem to allow for the sake of freedom the more liberal minded people want to take. The further they want to push the boundaries of what is now considered right and wrong.

Spiderman said...

Anonymous, (which ever anonymous you are because at this point I have no way of knowing)

We can argue politics, religion, and morals till we are blue in the face and likely not agree. That does not mean we don't show respect for each other or that we love our country any less, or that we are some how deficient, because that course of action would be null.

This is the last I will say on this matter…

I have no problem with anyone’s morals, values, or religious beliefs, but I have a big problem with them trying to legislate said values that would infringe on the personal freedoms, personal privacy, and individuality on which this great country is based.

The last generation always believes that the next generation is the least moral, least responsible, and least virtuous of all generations, and yet progress is made, lives are enriched, cures are found, and intelligence is advanced.

I think the present generation will perpetually be derided by the past generation, and the present generation will be the one admonishing the generation to come.

I think its called evolution, and I think we don't like it much until we can look to generations past and acknowledge their accomplishments, but by then they are long gone.

Spiderman said...


I must say I have a wholly different view of the world than you and many do, and I understand why.

I am an optimist, a visionary, a historian, and a student of humanity and their behavior.

You may not believe this, and the proliferation of information is much to blame, but we are living in the safest, healthiest, most moral and virtuous time in history.

Slavery is virtually non existent in the world when for the previous 6000 years of recorded civilization it had been a staple of existence.

Destitution though high if their is even one homeless person is lower now than at any other point in history.

Child labor and the seemingly rampant abuse of children though apparently high is but a fraction of what it was just a century ago.

Rape, murder, and violent crimes are all decreasing even as population grows, these are the statistics. For the first time in 42 years a major metropolitan city went one entire month without there being one single murder, it happened here in Miami just this past month of October. You want some perspective, watch Cocaine Cowboys and see if things have not gotten better.

Pedophiles are caught, prosecuted, and stigmatized for life by the law requiring them not merely to stay away from children, but also by requiring them to proclaim to everyone in their neighborhood that they are a sexual predator.

I could go on for hours explaining to you how we are so much better off now than just 40 years ago when I was a kid, but you would likely not believe it, and there is nothing that I can do to change your mind because you feel this way in the face of facts and statistics, and you are still consumed by you lack of perspective.

All I have to say in conclusion is that your grandparents thought you’d be living in a doomed society of an immoral and increasingly deteriorating society. Are you not OK? Are you not doing well? Have you not survived but also thrived? Don’t worry, your grandchildren will look back and see that you were just as wrong about them as your grandparents were about you, and their grandparents were about them.

Anonymous said...

Times have gotten better, but it does not mean that there are no problems going on in the world today. People believe in other countries that if your wife cheats on you, you can burn that b!tch alive. It depends what culture you live in. Here, in the US, they give that same b!tch the "freedom of choice" or should I say they allow her to choose for her unborn child whether he or she will live or die.

Spiderman said...

The situation you just explained is more a matter of religion than of culture, although religion and culture seemingly go hand in hand.

It's too bad everyone does not have the same concern for their actions that they have for others actions, then we would truly have a better world.

Respect personal freedoms, be the best person you can be regardless of others, and don't believe that you can ever legislate values.

Anonymous said...

Spidey: I just wanted to say that you are easily one of the smartest people I know even though I dont really know you but I feel like if I do know you from reading your stuff. Even when I dont agree with you I learn just from you challenging things that I always thought I was absolutely sure of. You do a great service with your blog, I hope that young people out there reading this are taking notes and seeing what intelligence and the power of words is all about, I your blog continues for a long time. And please keep bringing us your unique points of view and your rational and logical arguments, the world needs more people like you, if you were running for office I would support you. Thank you.

Spiderman said...



What can I say...

I am gratified and humbled by your comments,and I sincerely appreciate the sentiments you expressed.

I hope you continue to enjoy the Blog.

Spiderman said...


I'm with you baby...

Rock the Casbah!!!