
I'll Say What I Want To Say

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please Wear Pink To Show Your Support

This weekend at the G.M.A.C. wrestling tournament the F.H.S.A.A. and the G.M.A.C. will be promoting Breast Cancer awareness. The contest officials will be wearing pink whistles to show their support. We respectfully ask that coaches, parents, faculty members, and fans in attendance show their support for this cause by also wearing pink. There will also be stations at which you might make a donation towards Cancer research. Please show your support and don the Pink; and if you don’t you might still find some spare change or a few loose bills that you could donate for this great cause.

Thank You!


Spiderman said...


WOW!!! Not the response I expected for this topic, very immature. Not that I mind you lads playing around like schools girls, just find another topic to do it under; this topic should be pretty serious and supportive of the cause.

Anonymous said...

Will Pardo have pink hair.

Will Vic wear pink boots.

Will Angel wear pink pajamas.

Will KW wear pink leather pants.

Will Sergio wear pink sandals.

Spiderman said...


I am going to guess you are somewhat of a procrastinator?

Am I correct?

Anonymous said...

Probably. I'll do it today I promise.

Spiderman said...




Anonymous said...

no wonder kw was wearing a pink shirt

i just though he was being a homo o_O

Anonymous said...

What is up with Columbus. Other than their 130 who can now say he is a GMAC champ, that team really underachieved. The thing is, the kids are great, but the coaching staff and parents affiliated with the program suck big time. This is a school full of wrestlers with tons of experience and a hall of fame coach who can't seem to get over the hump. Yes they took third and that is awesome, but would they have taken third if all their kids were at their home school. I think the only thing they got going for them right now is that they are surrounded by a # of milfs. Ernie wear some deodarant for god's sake. Husk you too are old to be trying to pick a fight. Be carefull you don't shart in the panties when your temper gets out of control again.

What is up with Vic. I looked really close and I could not find a flaw. I was hoping he would have something out of place, but even the cap he wore was placed perfectly over his head about 2 and1/3 inches above his eyebrows. Textbook placement. I spoke to him early this morning and he said that he was so excited about winning 5 straight GMAC titles that he went home and broke all 56 lava lamps he has I mean had in his bedroom, turned on the black lights, put on the singlet he wore in the finals of the state tournament and laid effortlessly on the carpet he had made out of wool. Nice.

What is up with all the surprises. I almost choked when I noticed Sergio was wearing sneakers. Then I looked at Johnson and so was he.
They must have planned it.

What is up with KW. I'm sorry but I have to say this. But before I do I would like to say that he did do a fantastic job running the tournament. Now, I don't know about you readers out there but, when he was introducing Sanders at 145 I thought he was going to blow his load.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Mister Mister, you truly are funny.

Spiderman said...

I was expecting to see more people actualy dressed in pink to support the cause but there were only a handful of people wearing pink (thanks Coach Balmeceda). Nevertheless it was awesome to see officilas wearing the pink whistles, and KW working hard in support of the cause. I hope this becomes and annual event in support of the fight for breast cancer. I am a little busy today but I will have some G.M.A.C. Wrestling comentary at some point.


Spiderman said...


You are one funny cat.

By any chance are you related to Dr. Doom?

Anyway, here are some observations of my own.

KW, love you buddy and all you do but put down the mic and leave it to the pro's.

Osorio looked giddy as a school girl taking 2nd, can you blame him.

The five foot crew never met but their presence was felt as Husk almost took a beating from Mendez, Rivera sent a Slap over to Montero and Balmeceda, Sergio had his first child (or so was his expression) when Pint sized Barrera defeated his prodigy, and Vasquez did not fall asleep at matside though he shored in chairs off to the side at times.

Pardo has more hair than Balmeceda, Johnson has more hair than Pardo, and Flinchum has more hair than the three of them put together.

More later...

Anonymous said...

Is Flinchum the worst official or what. He is a very nice man, but he couldn't get it right if his life depended on it. Someone please tell him to read "his" rulebook.

Is Sergio straight or what. He really does flame out in a weird way.

Is Pardo's hair awesome or what. I tend to like the way he owns his school colors. I don't think anyone else can make shit brown look that good. No earring this weekend though.

Osorio was giddy because rumor is American will be going 2a next year. He wasn't even thinking about placing in the GMAC. Futhermore, he always looks like a school girl, especially when his pink thong showed while he was tying his shoes.

I am really glad that so many of you enjoyed my writing. It was my pleasure to make you all laugh like a bunch of little kids watching Home Alone.

KW you had the mic. Why didn't you sing Living on a Prayer. After the near orgasm during Sanders intro I think you would have done alright.

Talk about angry. I think Condis has competition. Has anyone taken a look at Tejada when he is coaching.

Top 10
1 greaser/metrosexual SD
4 5 ft. club members BR,SW,MH,HOM
1 shoeless joe johnson SR
1 hick that can't smile PAL
1 hall of fame pimp "milfs" COL
1 my men didn't show up HML
1 I mean 2 bald 30 year men AM

Anonymous said...

American to 2A? Good for them and Osorio. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. What other coach do you know or see hanging out with kids from other teams. He must really be a likable guy and a great coach. Congrats to you Coach I hope you do go down to 2A.

Anonymous said...

It isn't for sure that American will be at 2A next year. That's all speculation. I'm sure a lot of you are tired to losing to his 20 year old men anyway. Too bad Brandon will be 3A next year. You'll have two great teams to whine about if American remains 3A.

Spiderman said...


I love what you do.

I will not ask you to register again (though it would be nice if you did), just don't stop doing your thing, it's fresh, funny, and makes reading at this site enjoyable.

Unknown said...

Palmetto looked as if they were ready to make their tri-nual rush to the front of the standings but then fell way short.
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