A few sources have reported to me that Columbus had a booth set up outside of the Coral Reef Gym holding interviews with prospective recruits. Hey if no one says anything about it then why wouldn't they. If you let them they will steal your women too. Stand up or shut up! If they are recruiting kids that belong to you and you don't say anything about it, then you deserve their pillaging.
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Columbus Recruiting Tour
A few sources have reported to me that Columbus had a booth set up outside of the Coral Reef Gym holding interviews with prospective recruits. Hey if no one says anything about it then why wouldn't they. If you let them they will steal your women too. Stand up or shut up! If they are recruiting kids that belong to you and you don't say anything about it, then you deserve their pillaging.
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9:58 AM
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The problem is the coaches want there kids to go to a good school like Columbus where they have great coaches and have the opportunity to get out of the hood.
Well said Venom.
All other schools have feeder programs and the high school coaches help develop the kids in middle school. Columbus does not.
Columbus coaches were talking with one Coach Husk former wrestler at the table not recruiting.
Again stop the crying. Get your own life and stop worrying about what Columbus is do.
OH! I get it it like, same as coach CJ telling Noffo that he thinks he would be better off at Columbus. Great! How Nobel of the Dade coaches to support Columbus that way.
If you are a student at columbus you should consider a public school because their education is failing you if you can't understand sarcasm.
If you are already a graduated, nice job throwing away all that money.
I thought you were talking about Middle School kids being recruited.
Regarding Matt is good friends with some kids on the Columbus team as you can see every tournament he is with a Columbus kid. Also Matt has not got any better at Coral Reef so why stay?!? I belive in bettering yourself in the sport your playing so why would you stay at a place where you havent learned anything for 2 years?
I am dizzy with all this recruiting charges. It has become so prevalent that most of us have become ambivalent about the whole matter. Our apathetic response to this new charge only shows that Columbus will continue to recruit and naysayer’s will soon become the quiet minority. Just thought I should chime in with some views:
1. Columbus is a private school so why can’t they recruit?
2. If coaches are willing to allow their kids to leave then why are people having such attacks?
3. Why has Columbus attacked South Dade and American for ‘alleged’ recruiting but now it’s ok for them to do so? Yes, we all know it was you Supes.
4. What kids are being recruited and how does this take place.
5. How come Golden hasn’t looked into this matter?
Some have stated many times that Columbus is doing something wrong with their recruiting when in reality they are a private school and all they can do is recruit in order to fill their team up with kids. I don’t think anyone should have a problem with recruiting by them so long as the coach where those kids are supposed to go don’t have a problem with it.
Matt Noffo wrestled in the semi-finals of this past season's State Finals as a sophomre. If he never gets that far again, what do you say about CJ's coaching then ?
Okay is CJ coaching next year? From what I hear he is not.
Kids can go where they want regardless of what their coaches think....it's the parents decision.
Another jealous hater……crying!
Columbus recruits because no one says nothing. Seriously if they are taking any of your kids then you need to do something about it. It will only stop when someone gets the balls to stand up, if not then shut the _uck up. What is the point of complaning if you are no gonna do nothing. Same with Osorio everyone bitched about him when those 2 guys dropped and no one did nothing.
Oooohhh, CJ no longer at the Reef? Who will coach there? I hadn't heard this before... Any ideas?
Oooohhh - Juicy!
Cater was there recruiting too. Why doesn't anyone say anything about Doral Academy?
Yeah so was Varona. Is it cause he is black no one says anything.
Even though I am against the whole recruiting situation and feel that coaches should develop their own, Kids and parents on the other hand must do what is in their kids best interest. Having said that, I also feel loyalty to a coach is important as well.
What I find wrong is if a GOOD COACH helps develop a kid in middle school, heck even in HS as a freshman and the kid is having success and in 11th or 12th grade they say something like "coach I am leaving to ???? school because I may be better off there even though you busted your tail with me all these years". Doesn't loyalty mean anything anymore.
(Moon Knight)1. Columbus is a private school so why can’t they recruit?
Are they not part of the GMAC? Is it not a rule that you are not allowed to recruit? Why can't other teams in the GMAC recruit then? Is this a real question or just sarcasm? I'm f**king confused.
Sarcasm my friend, just sarcasm. That is the excuse that they keep using which is why I also asked, "why hasn't Golden looked into this matter".
Guys relax, let Columbus recruit. I'll take care of everything. I'll make sure I schedule them, if they have the balls and then I will crush them.
Coach Osorio
Husk has Cheryl Golden in his pocket that lady won't do anything. Yes Osorio we already know, once you crush them you are going to piss all over them.
Varona is black? I thought he was Cuban.
Varona is not black but I'll tell you what is Pardo's haiiiirr.
Are all those Columbus parents/groupies actually a support for the wrestling team or a nuisance for the coaching staff. Just curious as to how it affects or does not affect the wrestling team and unity.
it doesn't really matter does it. as long as columbus continues to win as they have done. so we lost to SD so what who did't. so we third 3rd in regions who would not want to. stop hating because we get what we want.
Golden is no such thing. She is a married woman with children, to say such a thing about her is uncalled for. You stated it as a matter of fact, and I can't allow that on this site.
ju haf ofende mi! que carajo cubano, varona tiene que ser boriqua!
dat's wat we kall black cubans
oye el tipo no es cubano es boriqua y hermano de osorio
I'll be out for little while. I am going to go and put some lotrimin on my jock itch.
this is soooooo much betta than does comedy roast on tv.
funny how ALL you guys talk shit behind your computer screen about our team, and our coaching staff. but i GUARANTEE that you are the same people that come up 2 coach husk on his dick. also funny how bad you guys are on coach b's dick and osorio. why dont u guys get a life and let us train so when next season does come around.. and columbus IS the team 2 beat. u guys can all jump on the bandwagon and talk about how great we are. another thing, NOFFO CAME BECAUSE HE WANTED TO. HE WAS NEVER RECRUITED. HE WAS NOT PROGRESSIN LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE SO HE DID WHAT HE THOUGHT WAS BEST. now please, jump off...
Sounds like Invisible has a hard on for Vic. Vic need watches his back he has secret lover.
Another rejected reject……bring it on tough guy….your big behind a key board. Another whining B..ch.
Spitting on Rio what girl. Montoto loses so he spit on the guy that just beat him. What class….you can tell Montoto Sr. just as classy. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. I would of loved to seen Rio Sr. whipping Montoto Sr. A$$.
A lot of people with big mouths that can’t back it up.
Watching Columbus recruit is like watching Hilary Clinton trying to win the Democrat nomination
Columbus has an all star coach but ......... the kids just dont have the balls. They dont have nothing to fight for. Husk needs to drop the program and retire. Im sorry but Its time to throw in the towel and retire the shoes. Without Husk none of these Columbus parents wouldnt be beating their chest. But lets not fuel a fire. Ohh and Jake RIO wont place top 3 next year i can bet on that. Gulesian should make him bump up. My name is Aquaman. Friends with Crocodile.
noffo has not progressed. he placed 4th as a sophomore who was the last columbus guy to place as a sophomore. not only that the guys at columbus now have been wrestling since they were young kids.
The bitter feelings that are shared between the older Noffo and the wrestling community have now filtered down to young Noffo. I have had the privilege of speaking to the younger of the Noffo’s and found him to be a polite and respectful individual. His demeanor after some of the matches against Hall simply stems from his overwhelming desire to win and succeed at this sport. It is human nature to want to look for some reason to blame for one’s failure and that is all young Noffo has demonstrated after some of the matches. Please consider his age and how that may affect his actions. Some would call them follies of youth.
I point this out because the constant attacks and counter attacks by some people on this board have turned this young kid into a rallying point for Columbus’s recruiting. This kid is doing nothing but trying to better himself in any way that he can. He believes that by going to Columbus he will in fact reach a higher level in his wrestling prowess than what he was able to at Coral Reef.
Although I do believe that his father has much to do with his transfer, I also believe that the betterment of Noffo is truly the ultimate driving force behind these events. The question as to whether Columbus recruits is not what we have come down to debating nor discussing, we have now gone to the extreme of demeaning the accomplishments as well as this kids desire to win and succeed. Which one of us as a parent would not traverse the very oceans of hell to give our young child a chance at accomplishing his dreams?
I am asking that the discussion and arguments of the veracity of the recruiting allegations towards Columbus continue but the mention of the older Noffo cease. I am simply requesting this because nobody will be able to differentiate between Matt Noffo and his father or any arguments about Columbus. Matt Noffo is a great kid who should be allowed to continue his quest without carrying any baggage or garbage around like an albatross around his neck. Thank you for your understanding.
Noffo placed 5th.
Montoto aka "the spitter" only beat Jake Rio once out of the 4 times during the season, if you recall.The 1st time he wrestled Rio he was so embarrassed with the loss he spit and blew his nose on rio. yes you're right other anonymous very classy of the kid, fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. in this case the fruit would be watermelons for montotos mom and dad lol....and how about those classy coaches? oh yeh, gotta love those 2. and where did montotto go at state? right back home to mommy's black beans and rice with nothing. jumped on i-4 as fast as he could. his dad probably kicked his butt unfortunately.The only reason why Montoto lost to Rio at districts was because Rio had a 101fever guess you weren't privy to that information now were you?at least rio went all the way to the semi's at state and took 3. man your info is so wrong, rio getting heavy yeh ok.roflmao.
You are correct about the classless display of Montoto against Rio at the Western tournament. Unfortunately I did not witness it myself but got many reports from reliable sources about the incident.
I also agree that Rio is the better wrestler and proved it throughout the season.
I disagree with you about reaming the Braddock coaches. I was told that the Braddock coaches disciplined Montoto and did not let him wrestle the next match at the tournament. Many folks told me that the Dad not the coaches displayed poor sportsmanship.
Unfortunately some dads take things overboard like Montoto's dad and other dads in the wrestling community including some in the Columbus camp.
I believe Columbus has recruited heavily in the past and it is evident. But I don't feel that Noffo was recruited to Columbus. It is just a case in which by going to a Private school he can avoid all the BS involved in transferring from one public school to another.
I also believe that coach Husk should conduct some type of "PARENT ETTIQUETTE SEMINAR" prior to the start of next season before thing go overboard.
They do inherit another parent to go along with some of the other overboard parents which they already have there.
the watcher
If/When someone (are you listening Cheryl Golden) FINALLY stops this insanity and disallows Husk and co. from further recruiting, will Columbus be like the rest of the sorry-ass private schools and pull out of the FHSAA to join the Sunshine Interscholastic Athletics Association so they can legally recruit? Since it's the private schools drawing up the bylaws, you KNOW they won't make it illegal to blatantly recruit. In fact, they'll encourage it!
Give the wrestlers what they want and need to excel and they will not look for other alternatives.
Although the grass may appear greener on the other side, how about making it greener where you are. SAY NO TO RECRUITING!
Anyone notice how many Richmond kids are on the Explorer team at kids states? Not only do they take Glades MS team, now Richmond! Damn!
Yes Columbus takes any kids that want to wrestle.
If in fact Columbus did take kids from Richmond to a tournament that is Prima Fascia evidence of recruiting. Should anyone care to report Columbus to the authorities (The F.H.S.A.A. and The G.M.A.C.) and the information could be corroborated and or substantiated; Columbus would face Sanctions by the governing bodies. The question is will anyone have the balls to file the charges. If I were the coach at either South West or Killian I would definitely file charges, in fact were I coach on any team in dist. 15 I would file charges. It's time to step up or shut up, do something about it or stick your recruiting allegations where the sun don’t shine.
They did. They took a bunch of kids that do not belong to Columbus I was there. I did not believe it at first, but after seeing them this weekend they are definitely recruting and if coaches cared about where these kids end up then they need to report it. I wish I was involved in the school system, I would report it myself.
FL State Folkstyle Championships (Explorer Wrestling)...
Brown Michaiyaiuh (Richmond)
Khadeem Stanton (Richmond)
Timothy Foreman (Richmond)
Kyle Samuels (Richmond)
As stated at trackwresling.com
Direct Link:
OUCH! That is some incriminating stuff right there. Were someone to forward that information to the F.H.S.A.A. or the G.M.A.C. Columbus would have to back off of those kids or be guilty of recruiting. I wonder who if any will have the stones to do it.
I tried that link and it did not work, could you try posting it again.
Sorry Spidey. Try this one:
It should give you all results. Just choose "team results" and then "Explorers Recruiting Club" or something like that;]
You all are crying about what…Coach Husk coached Santon Sr. so he brought those kids to practice in the off season. No one went after them get over it.
They took kids that don’t belong to Columbus…….who do they belong to……um their parents not a school you idiot.
Oh and Homestead took kids that don’t belong to them…..you going to cry about that….get a life.
I wish people with big mouths here would come up to us say something to our face if they have problem with us instead of cry behind a key board.
Print, report or shut up because that does not prove anything accept the kids want to wrestle in the off season.
You appear to resemble the same people you criticize. As you type your bitter, mistyped /misspelled response – you hide behind an anonymous login. Nice!
You are a Moron.
Everything you just said including the fact that they practice with you in the off season is incriminating evidence of recruiting. You open your mouth and ignorance spews forth. You should keep your yap shut because you are doing more harm than good. I will have a new post on the front page with proof you should have kept silent.
Well, we all know Noffo is heading over to Columbus because of wrestling, not education. What other wrestlers would benefit of a change of school?
It seems to be rumored here on the boards that Montero CG may be going to Columbus as well. If you think about it, as far as wrestling goes, Montero may actually be better off in another program. Whether being Columbus, or a program where he will get pushed.
What other wrestlers may actually benefit from a change from there current school as far as wrestling goes.
Montero will not go to Columbus. He has nothing to gain. There are other schools he can go to where he can be successful. HE WILL NOT GO TO COLUMBUS. WATCH.
Okay, I will WATCH. My point is that he does not have anyone in the room to push him where he is at. Whether it be Columbus, South Dade, American(which he won't go to)are schools that have the wrestling partners to push him. That is my point.
It does not matter, do you think there are only 3 schools worthy enough for him to go to. Maybe it is because those are the only three schools that had state champs or state placers right. He will not go to Columbus you will see.
Okay, do you know something I don't know? I think you are missing my point. CORAL GABLES is not the place where he will get the most out of wrestling. He may stay at Gables or not. Just like Noffo left Coral Reef, I could see the same from Montero.
Someone said WATCH. Well that will be me the watcher.
This is how I see it: Montero is a very good wrestler which with out a doubt was developed by their current coaches since middle school. What is he to do :
1) Show loyalty and stay his final year.
2) Decide, "heck, I want to get better, I should go where my potential will be maximized".
3)His coaches can debate whether keeping him there may be selfish, or actually help him.
The same can be said for some of the other top dogs in Dade where they do not get pushed in the room.
I will shime in here and state my opinion. There are a few wrestlers that will probably benefit from going elsewhere.
Earl Hall(Homestead) and Eric Chandler(Braddock). Yes believe it or not, those 2 may be better off somewhere else besides where they are at now.
Do not let there current high school success fool you, those 2 kids probably train more outside of their school during the off season than they do at their own school. They are where they are at because they choose to be good. There are probably another hand full of wrestlers in the county as well, but I will leave it at that for now.
I'm not saying Montero won't leave or should not leave. I'm just saying he will not go to Columbus. I'll make sure of that.
No one from Columbus is hiding behind a key board….you know who Columbus is and when their at tournaments you can step up and run your mouth like you do here. That fact is you will not. We are not hiding behind a cartoon character.
How are we incriminating ourselves? You’re an A$$....they show up at the wrestling room his father brings him. What should we tell them to leave….you make no sense.
More harm than good….what do you do to contribute to the FL wrestling? Nothing but negative comment is what you do.
Do not hate on Columbus because when you went to school there you sucked at wrestling or when you taught there you were asked to leave. Get over it and move on.
So why didn’t Noffo go to Southdade or Southridge for wrestling??????? Because they are failing schools!
Mr. C
All day.....
Mr. C
Mr. C,
Is the "C" for Cheater or Columbus?" Never mind, they are synonymous!
i think the C is for chicken as in chicken soup because none of them say who they are either.
“No one from Columbus is hiding behind a key board….”
Really… They are not? Because I see a whole lot of Anonymous on here, and of course Djarp, Superman, and some other Aliases, so who is not hiding?
“You know who Columbus is and when their at tournaments you can step up and run your mouth like you do here.”
Sure you do, you are doing it right now, I did not see you sign your name.
“We are not hiding behind a cartoon character.”
True, because you are the only real cartoon characters on here.
“How are we incriminating ourselves?”
With every word you dig your hole a little deeper Mr. Anonymous if that really is your name.
“You’re an A$$....”
Is that what honesty is called now-a-days? A$$, I think I like it.
“They show up at the wrestling room his father brings him. What should we tell them to leave….you make no sense.”
And so your hole gets deeper. LOL!!! No you should not tell them to leave, welcome them in and coach them up; that only insures that they will not be attending Columbus next year. Unless of course they are willing to lose eligibility and get the school sanctioned.
“What do you do to contribute to the FL wrestling? Nothing but negative comment is what you do.”
Really??? Now did you mean negative for wrestling or negative for Columbus, because last time I looked I have never said anything that was not a fact unless it was just my opinion. Funny how when some one calls you out for a misdeed the culprit perceives it as negative, while I can bet you right now there are 6 coaches in District 15 and some coaches in other district jumping around the giddy with delight that someone is finally taking on Columbus.
“Do not hate on Columbus because when you went to school there you sucked at wrestling or when you taught there you were asked to leave. Get over it and move on.”
AH! I see, you think I am KW. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not KW. I am getting a little sick of people saying that I am as well, the poor guy does nothing but good for wrestling and has never to my knowledge had an alias. He always signs his real name and he still he tells it like it is. If I were KW I might say so already just to see if you are as brave as you purport.
“So why didn’t Noffo go to Southdade or Southridge for wrestling??????? Because they are failing schools!”
If it did not cost thousands of dollars a year to go to Columbus, it would be no better than a C school either. Wait a minute, I bet you they are a C school, why else would they forego the FCAT? Could it be because anything less than an A would be a huge embarrassment?
“Mr. C”
Do you want me to guess or are you going to tell me your real name. Maybe if you tell me your real name and you anger me enough I might someday wait till you go to the restroom and I’ll follow you there, and if no one else is in the restroom with us I might tell you “Hey it’s me Spidey” Just so I can watch the color drain from your body while you $hit your pants when you only went in there for a piss.
Up yours Spidey.
You may get a free t-shirt
1 ride to a tournament for free
Mr. C
So you won't tell me your name then?
What happened to the brave little pilgrim you pretended to be just minutes ago?
Spiderman you did the same with Superman you could not name him either all you have is little threats. Do you think you scare me because you say you will reveal who I am. You have no clue.
Mr. C
You know so much about KW that’s amazing.
You think somebody is scared of you…..please. You know where we practice come on by. I would love to see try and make me $hit my pants. LOL LOL LOL
I only reason there will be $hit is after I slap you and crying on floor I may $hit on your face. Forget it my turd deserves better than you.
Mr. C
Then don't think that's your option.
Mr. C
If that is a representation of the leadership at Columbus, thanks for saving me the headache! Keep your money, my kid will go elsewhere.
Your lose!
Mr. C
I’m sending my son there Coach Husk is a great coach and my son will get a great education.
People are worried about a public school education, but if I had a kid attending Columbus and wrestling for Columbus, I may be worried about him being around these loser adults posting on this site as well as being part of the Columbus crew.
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
I know you are but what am I?
directing all the attention to columbus...
what about american with garcia and harris
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